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Sacred Responsibility

Hi 👋🏼 it’s me again,

Remember in my last email how I told you I was really excited about an upcoming circle I’m co-guiding and that I would be in your inbox a little more than usual for the next few weeks? Here I am ☺️

I’m not writing to tell you about the circle so much as to talk more about the subject of the circle: Sacred Responsibility

I shared the title with a friend of mine and she wrinkled up her nose. She said, “That will never sell, people are already responsible for so much and you want them to take on more???”

I get it, people are overwhelmed with the daily grind and solving the problems of the world doesn’t feel promising in spite of individual effort most days. That’s not the kind of responsibility we’re talking about. We’re taking about Sacred Responsibility. When we do what is in alignment with our Sacred Responsibility, we step out of the grind and begin to experience the world in a different way. Penpa Dolma, who I’m co-guiding circle with, put it into theses words:

“Our Sacred Responsibility is our ability to respond to the shared challenges of the world we live in. It is our duty to the collective. It is our love expressed.

We have a responsibility to keep our eyes and ears open to desecration, without looking away, denying the facts or numbing ourselves from what we find.

We respond to the recognition that the systems and institutions who have created mass exploitation and deep insecurity cannot and will not be the ones to solve our shared problems.

Those whose sole goal is profit have no loyalty to living. They will sacrifice everyone for profit. We must respond.

There is no authority outside of ourselves. We must take responsibility as a collective. As consumers and workers who are exploited for profit, we have a responsibility to stop fueling the destructive machine.

The world is suffering. Humans are disconnected from the greater truth of life, our interdependence with the land, the elements, other-than-human kin, indigenous wisdom and each other.

It is our sacred responsibility to listen deep enough to learn, come into right-relationship with the unknown, grow our capacity to hold contradictions and each other’s differences, so we can respond skillfully to our individual and collective plight.

We have the ability to respond to stories that keep us dis-empowered and easily manipulated by corrupt powers.

Sacred Responsibility is abolition of exploitative systems. It is ancestral healing.

Sacred Responsibility is reparation. It is envisioning and building collective systems that care for all, leaving none behind, especially the most marginalized.

We carry a responsibility to unlearn the values of exploitative ethics and compost the transactional way of relating.”

I know for me, when I tend to my Sacred Responsibility I find a deeper sense of what it means to be a human with compassion and as a result, I experience more fulfillment in my actions and relationships. Beyond that, it helps me feel like I’m doing something regenerative in the face of the reality we live within.

I’ll be back again soon with some more writing, video shares & guided somatic exploration in the days/weeks to come.

Wishing you flow in the chaos of life,


P.S. what to learn more about Sacred Responsibility and the circle that starts in a few weeks? See more here.

P.S.S. Penpa and I are going to be doing an Instagram live this Thursday 2/23 around 1pm Mountain time to talk more about Sacred Responsibility and why this work is so important right now. It's the first IG live we've ever done, if you can show up it would be nice to see familiar names on the other side 😊 If you’re on Instagram, please follow, like and turn on notifications for our accounts. I’ll put the links down below 👇🏼 For non-IG users, as soon as I figure out how to share a recording off of Instagram you’ll be the first to know 😉


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